Issue 24.6
The September / October issue of mondo*dr brings a wealth of editorial for you to cast your eyes over. A particular highlight is our Big Interview, which sees the Sennheiser brothers - and joint...
Issue 25.5
Inside this issue, it’s a family affair as the Big Interview is with Claudio Lastrucci, R&D Director at Powersoft. Claudio discusses his family’s influence on the business and its 20-year history.
The Report section covers...
Issue 25.1
Possibly the first thing you’ll notice about the November / December is the multi-coloured masthead. We decided to go bold this issue and whether you love it or hate it, there’s no denying its...
Issue 25.3
The March/April edition is mondo*dr biggest issue of year and tradeshow season has well and truly begun!
Inside, the issue kicks off with the Big Interview from industry veteran and Clay Paky CEO, Pio Nahum....
Issue 25.4
Inside this issue the Big Interview caught up with husband and wife duo, John and Helen Meyer to find out the humble beginnings of their relationship and what led to the founding of Meyer...
Issue 31.1
On the Cover: Vienna Volksoper
Report: Multipurpose Venues
Venues including: 6Mic, St. John at Hackney, Dhow & Anchor, Bergstrasse Lights, Nobu Hotel Chicago, Steven Tanger Centre, Chimelong Wild Animal Park
Product Guide:Loudspeakers
Interview: Luca Lastrucci
City Social
The City Social management team faced a number of issues relating to its audio provision and consulted with integrators Excite AV and the Application Team at Audiologic to help determine a practical way to...
St Michael’s Cave
Pixel Artworks, a pioneer in light and pixel technology, has delivered one of the most
complex projection mapping projects ever created within St. Michael’s Cave in Gibraltar.
The Gibraltar Government awarded the project to WrightTech Media,...
EBL Elefantehuus
Operating first as a huge generator plant and then a forgotten storage space, EBL Elefantehuus is finally utilised to its full potential after dedicated teams specified acoustic treatments and flexible audiovisual solutions.
A historically protected...