School of Simulation and Visualisation Calls for Digital Projection’s 4K Laser

Based in Glasgow’s Digital Media Quarter, Glasgow School of Art's School of Simulation and Visualisation (SimVis) – formerly The Digital Design Studio – is an immersive visualisation...

Kuwait’s Perfect Auditorium Completed with Renkus-Heinz Iconyx

The Kuwait College of Science & Technology (KCST) is a one-of-a-kind private university in Kuwait City, where impeccable standards of learning have now been...

Christusbrüdergemeinde Wolfsburg Upgrades Audio with Dynacord

The Lutheran Christusbrüdergemeinde in Wolfsburg, Germany, invited multiple installers to demonstrate possible solutions for their sanctuary. At the end of that process, they chose a...

Danish Church Relies on K-array for Clear Sound

When the Kvaglund Church in Esbjerg, southwest Denmark needed an upgrade to their existing sound system, they relied heavily upon the knowledge of none...

Fulcrum Acoustic Helps Audiences Connect at the Stone Mountain Arts Centre

The Stone Mountain Arts Centre is a 200-seat, timber frame music hall nestled in the foothills of the White Mountains in Brownfield, Maine. A...

dLive Selected for New Grand Municipal Theatre in Chile

A new Municipal Theatre recently opened its doors in the city of Chillán in central Chile. Established as a modern centre for the arts and...

Amadeus Designs Acoustics and Monitoring Systems for Philharmonie de Paris Studios

Amadeus has announced the completion of a new install and acoustical design project for the Philharmonie de Paris concert hall studios. While Amadeus is well known...

Konsbud Audio Conquer Challenges at CKK Jordanki, Toruń

The Old Town in the northern Polish city of Toruń escaped the ravages of war in the last century and remains a Medieval jewel of...

Molkom Folkhogskola Chooses Robe

Molkom is a small, picturesque town near to Karlstad in Värmland. The Folkhogskola (Folk High School) offers courses in acting, film, journalism and health;...

Australian School Theatre Creates Bigger Presence with Chauvet Professional

Ravenswood School for Girls has brought a new level of production to its performing arts theatre by adding a collection of Chauvet Professional fixtures...