Inside View – Vectorworks

Throughout 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown some challenging obstacles Vectorworks’ way, but this hasn’t stopped the company’s continued advancements. Since the beginning, Vectorworks has strived to meet its four core business values –...

MONDO-DR Awards Winners 2021

Category - Arena Project - WWE Thunderdome With live sports and entertainment events coming to a halt all over the world due to Covid-19, WWE brought fans back into the live arena - virtually - with...

“The first step is the hardest.” – Olga Eser

What was your entrance point into the laser industry, where and when did you start? Originally from Moldova, I moved to Turkey after I got married in 2004. I have a degree in law science...

Mike Blackman – ISE

ISE has now been postponed until June 2021. This interview was conducted prior to the announcement. As the entire population struggles to come to terms with the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is...

In Profile – Schnick Schnack Systems

Schnick-Schnack-Systems turns 18 next year and, in that time, the company has certainly come of age, becoming one of the most important suppliers and LED effect lighting solutions and control technology in the industry. Founded...

Andy Farrow – Celestion

Founded in 1924, Celestion is one of the world’s oldest and largest loudspeaker manufacturers. The British company’s innovation in low frequency and compression drivers places them right at the heart of the professional sound...

“Be humble, there is always something to learn.” – Nisha Ramnath

What was your entrance point into the laser industry, where and when did you start? While I was studying at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore, I attended a career fair and met...

Neil Knowles – Elektra Lighting

How did Elektra Lighting begin? 20 years ago, we were the architectural lighting division of White Light. At the time, there was a bit of a move in to make architectural lighting a lot more...

Inside View – EM Acoustics

How did EM Acoustics begin? MW: Ed and I have been friends since we met at school in mid-1996.  A shared interest in both tech and music (Ed’s a talented piano player, I’m a mediocre...

Inside View – G-SMATT Europe

Located in Oxford, UK, G-SMATT Europe has already implemented its products into a number of installations across Europe. In a short space of time, diverse markets including retail and events, have noticed the impact...