Robe’s LEDBeam 350 moving light continues to be in demand worldwide. This includes South Africa, where distributor DWR has bore witness to this small, powerful, and highly versatile moving light flying off the shelves.
Another recent LEDBeam 350 investor in Cape Town is Audio Engineering. “The time was also right to start renewing some of the lighting stock anyway, so we sought excellent good value and flexible products,” explained production specialist, Marcel Bezuidenhout.
Bezuidenhout stated: “We wanted a fixture that was essentially a “bridge” between international concerts and small to medium premium end industrial events and something that could be useful for both! LEDBeam 350s are highly usable in multiple scenarios, either as an intense narrow beam or as a wash. They are compact yet powerful, small, fast, light and exactly what we need!”
Robe’s versatile and impactful fixture was seen to be perfect for this job, due to the light’s ability to instantly flip from a quality soft wash to a super-tight beam.
Audio Engineering also needed a luminaire that was cross-rentable, and thanks to the proactivity of DWR, and the appropriateness of fixtures like the LEDBeam 350 for the South African market that is exactly the case.
The company works with many freelance lighting designers on their shows. While most corporate shows are not specific about the exact fixtures, the pressure is always on to create a spectacular result. Marcel stated: “To do that properly we simply need quality kit without compromises!”
The service and support they know they can expect from DWR is another reason for Audio Engineering’s continued purchasing of Robe stock.
Bezuidenhout and some of his team visited the Robe factory in the Czech Republic after Prolight+Sound in Frankfurt this year, and were intrigued to see the complete production process in action, alongside the great diligence that goes into making every fixture.
He notes that Robe’s product development is linear and consistent, and their product lines are diverse; resulting in the ability to cover multiple genres of show and event lighting.
On the verge of moving to larger premises, Marcel is predicting a busy, interesting, and eventful year ahead.