As one of Japan’s top five film giants, Toei Tokyo is renowned for its comprehensive business in fields such as film, television, animation, manga, and music. At the end of 2022, the company constructed Japan’s largest virtual production hub, Toei VP Studios. The studio showcases an LED wall comprising AOTO LED panels and powered by Brompton Technology LED processing.
The facility spans 640 sqm and utilises eleven 4K Tessera SX40 LED processors, along with a whopping 24 Tessera XD 10G data distribution units.
“We have chosen an LED video processor that is globally renowned for its stability,” says Junichi Higuchi, Producer at Toei Tokyo. “As we explore new directions in visual production within the film industry, our need for more realistic rendering grows. Brompton Technology, which resolves issues such as colour reproduction, is precisely the best tool to fulfil this need.”
The LED wall is constructed using AOTO’s RM series, with MXH series for the ceiling, which can be raised and lowered to adapt to various lighting environments. The screen spans 30m by 5m, boasting a 1.5mm pixel pitch, a low scan rate, a high refresh rate, and a frame rate of 144Hz, ensuring the delivery of vivid, crystal-clear visuals. Complemented by disguise servers, ARRI cameras, and Mo-sys motion capture, the studio offers filmmakers creativity.
With Toei gradually embracing virtual production as their preferred approach, the innovative technologies employed in the studio, including Brompton LED processing coupled with its Tessera software features such as On Screen Colour Adjustment (OSCA), PureTone, Frame Remapping, ChromaTune, Genlock, and ShutterSync, will streamline post-production, surmounting the constraints of traditional shooting regarding location, time, and weather, and granting enhanced flexibility to production teams.
“As we witness the birth of Japan’s largest virtual production studio, we celebrate the convergence of technology and creativity,” concluded Elijah Ebo, Director of APAC Operations at Brompton. “The Toei VP Studios heralds a transformative era in how the Japanese film industry crafts its narratives, blurring the boundaries between imagination and reality!”