AED becomes exclusive Benelux distributor for AV Stumpfl’s Flex Black PRO screen surfaces

The Austrian AV technology manufacturer AV Stumpfl and the Belgian AED group announced a new projection screen distribution partnership for the Benelux market at the InfoComm trade show in Orlando this week.AED is the new and exclusive distributor of AV Stumpfl’s Flex Black PRO projection surface in the region.The newly developed projection surface technology offers phenomenal black levels and a contrast ratio, even in settings with ambient light. Flex Black PRO surfaces can be rented from AED as of now.Using conventional projection screen surfaces, the projected image may sometimes appear “washed out”, due to ambient light, and important image details might even disappear. The new Flex Black PRO projection screen material, however, allows for the projection of highly impressive images, even in bright environments.The image reproduction quality is comparable to LED displays and other light-emitting display technologies. Another advantage of using a black screen surface in many fixed installation and theatrical environments is the simple fact of its ability to blend in with the surroundings in a more inconspicuous way. “It is not the first time that we have looked at developments in the area of black projection materials, but it definitely is the first time that we were so deeply impressed.

“As much as the term is overused these days, AV Stumpfl’s Flex Black PRO is a real game changer and we see great potential for its adoption across a variety of AV markets,” commented AED managing director Thierry Heldenbergh.AED will also make Flex Black PRO available to its UK customers as a non-exclusive distributor. The first official presentation of Flex Black PRO at this year’s Prolight+Sound exhibition in Frankfurt led to highly enthusiastic reactions from a great number of international AV technology experts. AV Stumpfl’s sales director for screens, Jan Walter, explained the reasons for the new distributor partnership: “Projection screen surfaces are of course an important part of any projection setup, but they get rarely talked about.

“AED are prepared to do just that and to really make this great product reach its full potential in the Benelux markets, by presenting it to their large customer base.”